Fog Island Mountains

Fog Island Mountains

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Fog Island Mountains

最近逛街的時候在店面看到Fog Island Mountains心裡覺得很心動! 但是我有想到

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  • Fog Island Mountains

    • 簡介

      What if you could rewrite a tragedy? What if you could give grace to someone?s greatest mistake?Huddled beneath the volcanoes of the Kirishima mountain range in southern Japan?lso called the Fog Island Mountains?he inhabitants of small town Komachi are waiting for the biggest of the summer?s typhoons. South African expatriate Alec Chester has lived in Komachi for nearly forty years. Alec considers himself an ordinary man, with common troubles and mundane achievements?ntil his doctor gives him a terminal cancer diagnosis and his wife, Kanae, disappears into the gathering storm. Kanae flees from the terrifying reality of Alec?s diagnosis, even going so far as to tell a childhood friend that she is already a widow. Her willful avoidance of the truth leads her to commit a grave infidelity, and only when Alec is suspected of checking himself out of the hospital to commit a quiet suicide does Kanae come home to face what it will mean to lose her husband. Narrating this story is Azami, one of Komachi?s oldest and most peculiar inhabitants, the daughter of a famous storyteller with a mysterious story of her own. A haunting and beautiful reinterpretation of the Japanese kitsune folktale tradition, Fog Island Mountains is a novel about the dangers of action taken in grief and of a belief in healing through storytelling.

    級別:有聲 CD

    規格:19*13.5*1.5 cm


  • 作者:Bailat-jones, Michelle

  • 出版社:Tantor Media Inc

  • 出版日:2014/11/4

  • ISBN:9781494553180

  • 語言:英文

  • 有聲CD

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

Fog Island Mountains


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